If your peace lily leaves are turning brown, don’t despair! There are several common reasons for this, and most of them are easily remedied. Keep reading to learn more about why peace lily leaves turn brown and how to keep your plant healthy and happy.
Causes of Brown Leaves on Peace Lilies
There are several reasons why peace lily leaves may turn brown. The most common is simply due to the plant being pot-bound and in need of repotting. Other reasons include over- or under-watering, too much or too little light, and temperature stress. If your peace lily is pot-bound, you’ll need to repot it into a larger container. Be sure to use a well-draining potting mix and water thoroughly after repotting. If you think you might be over- or under-watering your peace lily, it’s best to start by adjusting your watering schedule. Peace lilies like to have moist soil, but not soggy soil. Water when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. Too much or too little light can also cause peace lily leaves to turn brown. Peace lilies prefer bright, indirect light. If your peace lily is getting too much direct sunlight, the leaves will start to scorch and turn brown. If it’s not getting enough light, the leaves will start to turn yellow before eventually turning brown and falling off.
Temperature stress can also cause peace lily leaves to turn brown. Peace lilies prefer temperatures between 60-85 degrees Fahrenheit (15-29 degrees Celsius). If the temperature drops below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius), the leaves will start to turn brown and drop off.
Why Does Peace Lily Leaves Turn Brown
One of the most common reasons for brown leaves on a peace lily is simply too much sun. These plants are native to the shade of tropical rainforests, so they will scorch in direct sunlight. If your peace lily is outdoors, make sure it’s in a shady spot. If it’s indoors, move it away from any windows where it might be getting too much sun. Another common reason for brown leaves is overwatering. Peace lilies like to be in moist soil, but they don’t like to sit in water. Make sure you’re not watering your plant more than once a week and that the pot has good drainage so the water can flow out freely. Peace lilies can also suffer from brown leaves if they’re not getting enough humidity. These plants love humid environments, so if your home is particularly dry, try putting your peace lily on a pebble tray or misting it regularly with water. Finally, brown leaves can be a sign of a nutrient deficiency. If your plant is not getting enough calcium, magnesium or iron, its leaves will start to turn brown at the tips or margins. You can remedy this by fertilizing your plant with a balanced fertilizer every few months.

When To Worry About Brown Leaves On Peace Lilies
If your peace lily’s leaves are turning brown, it’s important to figure out the root cause so you can address it and get your plant back to good health. Here are some of the most common reasons for brown leaves on peace lilies:
- Too much sun: Peace lilies are native to the shady rainforests of South America, so they’re not used to excessive amounts of sunlight. If you think your plant is getting too much sun, move it to a shadier spot.
- Not enough water: Peace lilies like their soil to be moist at all times—but not soggy. If the leaves are drooping in addition to turning brown, that’s a sign that the plant needs more water.
- Overwatering: On the other hand, if you’re watering your peace lily too frequently or leaving the plant sitting in water, that can also cause the leaves to turn brown and die back. Be sure to allow the soil to dry out between watering sessions, and don’t keep the plant in a saucer of water.
- Fertilizer burn: Too much fertilizer can damage peace lily roots and cause brown leaf tips or scorch marks on the leaves. If you think your plant has been overfertilized, flush out the potting mix with clean water to help leach away some of the excess nutrients.
- Temperature stress: Peace lilies prefer warm, humid conditions—but they can suffer if temperatures fluctuate too much or if the air is too dry. If your peace lily is located near a drafts from doors or windows, or near heating or cooling vents, that could be causing temperature stress and brown leaves
How to Deal With Brown Leaves On Peace Lilies
If your peace lily’s leaves are turning brown, there are several possible reasons. underwatering, or too much direct sunlight, can cause browning of the leaves. If the pot doesn’t have adequate drainage, the roots will suffocate and the plant will begin to die. Overwatering is also a common problem that leads to browning leaves.
If you notice your peace lily’s leaves turning brown, check the pot for drainage holes and make sure the plant is getting enough light but not too much direct sunlight. If you think you may be overwatering, allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again. If the problem persists, consider repotting your peace lily in fresh potting mix.
Tips For Preventing Brown Leaves On Peace Lilies
One of the most common reasons for peace lily leaves turning brown is simply due to the fact that they are not getting enough water. Peace lilies like to be kept moist at all times, so make sure to water them regularly, especially during periods of hot weather.
Another common reason for brown leaves on peace lilies is that they are getting too much direct sunlight. Peace lilies do best in bright, indirect light, so if you notice that your plant is starting to get brown leaves, try moving it to a location that gets less direct sunlight. Finally, brown leaves on peace lilies can also be caused by a lack of nutrients. If you think this might be the case, try giving your plant a fertilizer tailored specifically for blooming plants.